How Your Gut-Health Affects Your Mood and Cognitive Function

How Your Gut-Health Affects Your Mood and Cognitive Function


This month we're focusing on stress management and how to best support yourself through a holistic approach. A key component in holistic wellness and staying in your goddess energy is understanding the body as a whole; a system comprised of many smaller systems operating synergistically to create balance. Today we're looking at the Gut-Brain connection as a major contributing factor to our overall happiness and well-being, and one of the first pieces to address when looking at stress management and mental health.


Understanding the Gut-Brain Connection

Stress and The Gut-Brain Connection

In moments of stress or perceived danger, our brain initiates the gut-brain connection, activating the vagus nerve, which links the brain to vital organs like the heart, lungs, and stomach. Remarkably, this communication is bidirectional, allowing the body and mind to influence each other. When the brain perceives danger or stress, it signals to the body to increase heart rate and breathing, and vice versa, when we practice deep slow breathing it signals to the brain that we are safe and calm. This reciprocal interaction underscores the link between gut health and stress management, highlighting how our gut health profoundly impacts our mental state and ability to handle stress.


Gut Health and Happy Feelings

Stress can also impact our gut health which can lead to a cyclical pattern. WellBelly is a digestive supplement in our Signature Collection and can intervene in this cycle by supporting efficient digestion through its blend of ingredients:


Digestive enzymes: Aid in metabolizing a wide variety of foods, such as proteins, fats, dairy, carbohydrates, and grains. It aims to support efficient digestion and nutrient absorption, promoting digestive well-being.

Ginger Root: Ginger root has properties that might help stimulate digestion, support the digestive process, enhance nutrient absorption, and offer relief from nausea.

Peppermint Leaf: Peppermint leaf can help maintain digestive comfort, possibly reducing gas and providing a soothing effect post meals.


Furthermore, enhancing cognitive function and stress management through supplements like BrainJoy complements this balance, addressing the brain aspect of the gut-brain axis. Ingredients like Ashwagandha and Ginkgo Biloba in BrainJoy offer comprehensive support for mental clarity and resilience. 



By nurturing both sides of the gut-brain axis, you can foster holistic well-being and optimal functioning of mind and body!




A Ritual of Self-Care  to Support Digestion

Embarking on a journey toward improved digestive health often begins with the establishment of a supportive morning routine. By implementing mindful practices from the moment you wake, you can set a positive tone for the day ahead, mitigating common issues such as bloating, gas, heartburn, and indigestion which in turn, support your mental health. Here are five essential steps to crafting a morning ritual designed to promote digestive wellness and overall well-being:


Step 1: Wake up naturally, if possible. While this may not be feasible for everyone, avoiding the abruptness of an alarm clock can promote a relaxed start to the day. If you must use an alarm, consider investing in one with gradual light and soothing sounds to ease into wakefulness. Getting sufficient sleep is vital for overall health, so prioritize bedtime adjustments if insomnia is an issue.

Step 2: Begin with warm lemon water. Upon waking, drink a glass of warm water with freshly squeezed lemon juice. This simple step jumpstarts liver function and hydration, setting a positive tone for digestion.

Step 3: Allocate 10 minutes of quiet "you time." Despite busy schedules, carve out a brief window for personal relaxation. Stretching, meditation, a short walk, or reading can all cultivate a sense of calm and activate the "rest and digest" nervous system.

Step 4: Minimize stress. Organize your morning routine to mitigate frantic rushing and avoid stress-inducing activities like listening to the news. Stress hampers digestion, so prioritize a calm and orderly start to the day.

Step 5: Eat breakfast mindfully. Enjoy your morning meal without distractions, such as TV or phone usage. Mindful eating enhances sensory awareness and promotes optimal digestion by encouraging attention to food cues and portion control.


This morning routine serves as a foundational step in supporting the gut-brain connection so you can deal with whatever the day throws at you with grace.


Let the Goddess in you rise and shine.

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