The MINA Alkaline Pitcher and Filter provides clean, mineralized alkaline water for you and your family. The two-stage filter first eliminates harmful contaminants, then enriches the water with essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, and other trace minerals for optimal health.
The MINA Filter effectively purifies your tap water, reducing:
✦ Lead by 99%
✦ Chlorine by 99%
✦ Vinyl Chloride by 99%
✦ Cadmium by 98%
✦ Copper by 98%
✦ Manganese by 96%
✦ Chloramine by 98%
✦ Mercury by 99%
Recreate nature's perfect balance with the MINA Pitcher, offering not just hydration, but a delicious, healthful water experience with every glass.